Machine learning methods for genomic high-content screen data analysis applied to deduce organization of endocytic network.

Authors Kseniia Nikitina
University Technische Universität Dresden
Examination Date 2021-03-04
Open Access true
Print Publication Date 2021-03-04
Online Publication Date
Abstract High-content screens are widely used to get insight on mechanistic organization of biological systems. Chemical and/or genomic interferences are used to modulate molecular machinery, then light microscopy and quantitative image analysis yield a large number of parameters describing phenotype. However, extracting functional information from such high-content datasets (e.g. links between cellular processes or functions of unknown genes) remains challenging. This work is devoted to the analysis of a multi-parametric image-based genomic screen of endocytosis, the process whereby cells uptake cargoes (signals and nutrients) and distribute them into different subcellular compartments. The complexity of the quantitative endocytic data was approached using different Machine Learning techniques, namely, Clustering methods, Bayesian networks, Principal and Independent component analysis, Artificial neural networks. The main goal of such an analysis is to predict possible modes of action of screened genes and also to find candidate genes that can be involved in a process of interest. The degree of freedom for the multidimensional phenotypic space was identified using the data distributions, and then the high-content data were deconvolved into separate signals from different cellular modules. Some of those basic signals (phenotypic traits) were straightforward to interpret in terms of known molecular processes; the other components gave insight into interesting directions for further research. The phenotypic profile of perturbation of individual genes are sparse in coordinates of the basic signals, and, therefore, intrinsically suggest their functional roles in cellular processes. Being a very fundamental process, endocytosis is specifically modulated by a variety of different pathways in the cell; therefore, endocytic phenotyping can be used for analysis of non-endocytic modules in the cell. Proposed approach can be also generalized for analysis of other high-content screens.
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Last Edited Date 2023-08-07 14:16:26.05
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