Heat-induced changes in the material properties of cytoplasm.

Authors Anne Hilke Eßlinger
University Technische Universität Dresden
Examination Date 2022-03-04
Open Access true
Print Publication Date 2022-03-04
Online Publication Date
Abstract Organisms are frequently exposed to fluctuating environmental conditions and might consequently experience stress. Environmental stress can damage cellular components, which can threaten especially single-celled organisms, such as yeast, as they cannot escape. To survive, cells mount protective stress responses, which serve to preserve cellular components and architecture. Recent findings in yeast show that the stress response upon energy depletion stress involves a gelation of the cytoplasm due to macromolecular protein assembly, characterized by drastic changes in cytoplasmic material properties. Remarkably, the stress-induced cytoplasmic gelation is protective, raising the question whether this could be a common strategy of cells to cope with severe stress. I hypothesized that protein aggregation induced by another common stress, severe heat shock, might cause a similar cytoplasmic gelation in yeast. Furthermore, I hypothesized that the reversibility of cytoplasmic gelation is provided by molecular chaperones, which are known regulators of protein aggregation. In this thesis, I therefore aimed to characterize the changes in the material properties of the cytoplasm upon severe heat shock as well as their underlying causes and how molecular chaperones affect these changes. To characterize heat-induced changes in the material properties of the cytoplasm, I monitored Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells during recovery from severe heat shock using a combination of cell mechanical assays, time-lapse microscopy and single-particle tracking. I found that the cells entered a prolonged growth arrested state upon stress, which coincided with significant cell stiffening and a long-range motion arrest of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm, while smaller cytoplasmic nanoparticles remained mostly mobile. At the same time, a significant fraction of proteins aggregated in the cytoplasm, forming insoluble inclusions such as heat shock granules. After stress cessation, the observed changes were reversed as stiffened cells softened and lipid droplets resumed long-range motion. Cell softening and lipid droplet motion recovery coincided with protein disaggregation. These processes could be delayed by impairing protein disaggregation through genetic perturbation of the molecular chaperone Hsp104, which functions as a protein disaggregase. In contrast, no influence on protein disaggregation or heat-induced cytoplasmic material property changes was detected for the small heat shock protein Hsp16. These results suggest that the cytoplasm gels upon severe heat shock due to protein aggregation and is refluidized during recovery with the help of Hsp104. Remarkably, cells resumed growth only after refluidization of the cytoplasm, suggesting that reversible cytoplasmic gelation may contribute to regulation of the heat-induced growth arrest. In addition, cytoplasmic gelation could potentially preserve cellular architecture during heat shock. Overall, the results from my thesis work indicate that reversible cytoplasmic gelation due to macromolecular protein assembly may be a universal cellular response to severe stress which is associated with a stress-protective growth arrest. A likely stress-specific part of this response is the chaperone-dependent refluidization of the cytoplasm, which might explain the prolonged growth arrest seen upon severe heat shock as compared to other stresses and might allow more time for the repair of heat-induced damage.
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Alternative Full Text URL https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-861739
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Created By herbst
Added Date 2022-06-22
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