When Particle Shifting is Expected to Improve Convergence of Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

First Authors Lennart Beck
Authors Lennart Beck, Ivo F. Sbalzarini
Corresponding Authors Lennart Beck
Last Authors Ivo F. Sbalzarini
Conference Proceedings Volume Title Proc. International SPHERIC Workshop
Series Title
Conference Name SPHERIC
Conference Location Berlin, Germany
Conference Start Date
Conference End Date
Chapter Number
Publisher SPHERIC
Conference Proceedings Editors
ISBN 978-3-00-079208-3
First Page 289
Last Page 296
Open Access false
Print Publication Date 2024-01-01
Online Publication Date
Abstract We introduce a metric to determine when particle shifting is expected to improve the convergence of weakly compressible Lagrangian SPH. Shifting regularizes particle positions by biasing them toward a more homogeneous distribution. However, shifting also introduces an additional discretization error. To quantify these two opposing effects, we analyze the two- dimensional Taylor-Green case and show that particle shifting is advantageous when there is strong-enough distortion in the particle distribution. We propose a dimensionless metric of particle distortion to predict this break-even point, which we show to behave qualitatively similar across simulation cases. Since the proposed metric can be computed in a running simulation, it can be used to control the onset of shifting.
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Created By sbalzari
Added Date 2024-09-16
Last Edited By sbalzari
Last Edited Date 2024-09-16 15:29:08.668
Library ID 8795
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